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Opposites 4/19/15 10x10 Mixed Media Collage SOLD |
11.5x15.5 SOLD
unlock enlarged
8.26.08: I was not sure until tonight why I titled this unlock but now I know. I have beat the system, won the game, got the gold, I have the golden ticket...I can blog again!!!!!! My site has been screwy since I got home from the beach. I have not been able to change my layout or preview my page for two weeks. But not tonight! I just figured out the HTML. I am Steve Jobs tonight!!!! It feels so good to finally: UNLOCK!!!!!!
9x9 $100.00
webs enlarged
8.14.08: I don't recall why I titled this webs. I can tell you that our friend's, the Solari family, made it down to the beach today to spend the weekend with us. I can also tell you that I will sleep much better tonight then last night!!!
9x9 SOLD
settle enlarged
8.13.08: Okay my first night alone at the beach. The kids are here but they are sleeping and there is no other adult in the home. I am in Aptos, CA, close to Santa Cruz. I am in my husband's family beach home. Someone is always here with me, so this is weird. All the sudden the beautiful trees surrounding the home seem to more cover it. There is no white noise which is always creepy. I am super ready for it to be morning and has just gotten fully dark. I need to: settle
9x9 $100.00
uneasy enlarged
8.13.08: Same night, should go to bed, still: Uneasy!!!
9x9 $100.00
twilight enlarged
8.10.08: reading a fun new novel for the beach trip. I heard about it on CBS sunday morning, my favorite show, which makes me an old lady according to my friend Kelly. I have to sell the book a little because it is sold in the young adult section. And YES, I am pretty sure it was right next to Sweet Valley High books. With that said, it was written by a fellow Mom who had a crazy dream one night about a vampire and she woke the next morning with a new life dream and started to bring her vision to life. It is a best seller now being made into a movie, releasing this December. She is also releasing her fourth book in the series. It is a light read with teenage moments in it, but perfect for a foggy week at the beach. More importantly it is a lesson to us all to put ourselves out there. She was not a writer (I am not either as my spelling/grammar errors give away) She had a good idea and she went for it, kudos to you and to anyone else giving it a shot!!!!: TWILIGHT
19.5x28.5 $400.00
wedding enlarged
8.8.08: lucky day, lucky day!!! I had the wonderful honor today of getting to participate in my best friends sister's wedding. She asked me when she got engaged (4 years ago) if I would please do her flowers. I did. And although the wedding was beautiful, the marriage will outshine it through the years. They are head over heels, over the moon, on fire for the lord in love!!! Thanks, Natalie and Ryan, for letting me take part in your: wedding.
15.5x11.5 $200.00
spectator enlarged
8.3.08: Most of the time in your life as a mother you are hands on with your children, responding to their needs, reprimanding them for their bad behavior and praising them for good. Then there are the judgment calls, where you have to decide to stay out of it, let someone else reward them, or let them receive harsh discipline from an outsider. You have to become a: spectator.
19.5x19.5 $300.00
malarkey enlarged
6.10.08: FIRST, I promise I have been working!!! I had a couple of commission pieces that didn't get a post and I had a ton going on lately with the kiddos. More importantly, I need to update you on the goings on in my spring life of 2008. A whole lot of hooey, bull, or poppycock!!!! I have to talk in generalities because it is an on going situation. Suffice it to say people in power who enjoy the position are not my favorite. The current state of affairs is: MALARKEY!!!!
9X9 $100.00
hijack enlarged
4/28/08: I was targeted today by a serial potato coucher. I was minding my own business, doing some art and catching up on The Office and 30 Rock when my best friend's, boyfriend came into the room. He sat and started watching TV with me. It was the weirdest. We just watched Scrubs and then he left to return to the male wing of the home (the garage) with my husband. I was...HIJACKED!
9X9 $100.00
Busted enlarged
4/7/08: I did it again...I must have been distracted by the kids or late or something. It was a Monday???? I can't recall what was happening in my life that day. I suck...I am BUSTED!!!!
9x9 $100.00
inhuman enlarged
4/4/08 Catching up on art and Oprah today and find myself very angry about the puppy mill situation. Sad and...inhuman!
10x10 SOLD
horizon enlarged
3/31/08: My daughter named this piece. She said it looked like the sky at different times of the day. The large orange is during the day, the black and white is nighttime and the blue and bright yellow are dawn and dusk. Her original thought was sky, we compromised with...horizon.
PS: I finished Rescue Me!!!! I can't wait for season 4, I miss my friends/fictional characters that exist in a box. (HAPPY KIT!)
PS: I finished Rescue Me!!!! I can't wait for season 4, I miss my friends/fictional characters that exist in a box. (HAPPY KIT!)
10x10 $100.00
obsession enlarged
3/31/08: more on rescue me and driving, mostly my husband, oh, and sister, nuts: There have been three seasons of the show to air on FX since 2006. Each season has 16 plus episodes. Unlike the viewing public who must wait a week in between episodes, I am watching these back to back WHENEVER time allows. So, naturally, I have become one on the characters in my mind and I am talking about the show like it is my life...obsession.
10X10 $100.00
Destructive enlarged
3/26/08: YES! its is true, I have begun a new series on DVD and I am driving all those who know and love me CRAZY; more on that later. The new love of my life: Rescue Me. It is an FX show that has been on for years but I am playing catch up. Tommy Gavin is my new hero. I love him and I hate him, I love to hate him. The show is set in NY and revolves around the FDNY following 9/11. In one word the character is...destructive.
11.75X15.75 $200.00
ranunculus enlarged
3/24/08 Spring has arrived and the snails have eaten all my gerber daisies in my front garden. SO, I am trying something new, perhaps the most beautiful flower EVER. It looks like a pretty tiered ball gown. Layers and layers of petals on top of one another forming a perfect ball...the ranunculus.
20x28 $400.00
Discard enlarged
2-19-08. Our across the street neighbor passed away in the fall. It was a dramatic scene for my children to take in. There were several police cars, ambulance, family and finally a detective. Over the holiday and during these winter months, we a taken note of many changes to the property. There have been lawn people, family coming and going, a realtor. But today is the first day that has been kinda sad. They are finally going through the things in the house. This man's stuff. Possessions of a life...discard.
16x20 350.00
forgotten enlarged
2-19-08 Okay...just found this in with my art things. I finished it recently, I just forgot about it. It has no date, no title, no information on life at that moment. So it has become...forgotten
Sacramento and Co
Here is the footage of the interview from Jan 21, 2008. It was a fun morning! My thanks to all the Sacramento and Co staff.
Fun Game
A fun game to play while watching the above footage...PAUSE MY CRAZY FACE. This game was invented by my friend Kelly and it is hours of fun. Simply press pause on my face when it is the most nutty and squishy. Compete with friends on who can create the best paused face. Good Luck!!!
19.5x19.5 $300.00
exuberrant enlarged

12-13-07 The last couple of afternoons at my house have been heavenly. Let me describe: 11:45 take my daughter off to school. Back home by 12. Son asleep by 12:30. That has not happened since he was an infant. I am...exuberant!!!
19.5x19.5 $300.00
unglued enlarged
10/2/07: one of THOSE days today, one all mothers have in their heads. Nothing REALLY happens but you truly believe several times throughout the day that someone might die or that you might end up in the looney bin. All day with the stop that, don't touch that, don't go in the street, give that back to your sister, don't make me count to three and so on and so on. I thought I might come: unglued.
27.5x19.5 $400.00
heroine enlarged

8/13/07-- finished this piece today!!! I am gearing up for my upcoming show at Bogle Winery, but I am also gearing up to return to teaching in just a couple of weeks. I wanted to bang out one more large piece before I had to refocus my attention. I love how it turned out, lots of new patterned scraps. Title was influenced by my new ipod and my old music. I was listening to Ani Difranco, one of my favorite artists. She has a great song she plays live entitled...heroine.

19.5x19.5 $300.00
strength enlarged


19.5x19.5 SOLD
graduation enlarged

6/07/07: my daughter, Moseley, graduated from Preschool today, so when I finished this piece I hade been working on it seemed to have named itself: graduation.

19.5 x 27.5 $400.00
renewal enlarged

6/2/07: finished this piece today, Saturday. I have been working on it for more than two weeks. A lot has happened since I lasted posted. I had my first show and it was a huge sucess. Finn, my son just turned 2. Moseley my daughter is graduating from preschool on thursday and headed to Kindergarten in the fall. ..renewal.

19.5x15.5 $350.00
pulse (enlarged)


15.5x19.5 SOLD!
disaster (enlarged)


27.5x39.5 SOLD
this one is titled mine because I accept this one. It is one of my first pieces before I was constructing them correctly. It is done on paper not illustration board and the glue I used is not great. So, I get to keep it, I get to learn from my mistakes. It is in my living room above my couch and I really love it.

20x30 600.00 FRAMED
broad (enlarged)


15.5x19.5 SOLD!
dislodge (enlarged)


19.5x27.5 $250.00
believe (enlarged)